FYI, it’s “Capital Expenditure”
… a quick aside. “I remember when,” she says in a creaky shaky voice, but I do, I remember when CapX 2020 was “Capital Expenditure,” and as I sat through too many meetings last month, I remembered that when they called it “Capacity Expansion.” So isn’t that what Dog gave me google for? And on Otter Tail’s site:
Minnesota’s electric transmission infrastructure—a network of high voltage transmission lines of 230 kilovolts and higher—requires major upgrades and expansion over the next 15 years to support customers’ growing demand for electricity. To ensure the backbone transmission system is developed and available to serve these growing needs, the five largest Minnesota transmission-owning utilities initiated the CapX 2020 project. CapX 2020, which originally stood for “Capital Expenditures by the Year 2020″— to make sure the capital would be available to meet the need—has now become “Capacity Expansion by the Year 2020”.Â
Well, they found that source of capital — stick it to the ratepayers, because after all, “it’s for reliability, not generation interconnection.” I digress…
FYI, it’s “Capital Expenditure” — No Comments
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