Commerce’s “Scoping Decision”
 I got a few calls and emails about that Commerce Scoping Decision.
I fully agree… it’s a doozy! I’d not submitted the “No CapX 2020” intervention yet, so that’s what I did — without party status, it’s hard to do anything.
That done, I spent some time digging in the rules, and waiting to see what turned up in the inbox. I didn’t have to wait long:
Now the statute cited by the ALJ about ALJ jurisdiction seems to be regarding challenge of the ultimate result of the decision, challenging the Environmental Report itself. Minn. Stat. 116D.04, Subd. 10 and 13. Read these carefully — do you see anything about an “Environmental Report?”
Subd. 13. Enforcement. This section may be enforced by injunction, action to compel
performance, or other appropriate action in the district court of the county where the violation
takes place. Upon the request of the board or the chair of the board, the attorney general may
bring an action under this subdivision.
But the rules do provide an avenue to challenge the scoping decision, albeit, as the Motion notes, the rules “are a bit garbled.” Yes, that’s putting it mildly.  But here’s the rule:
Minn. R. 7849.7050
Subp. 8. Notice of decision.At the time of the commissioner’s decision, the commissioner shall mail the order to those persons who have requested to be notified. Any person may request to bring the matter of what alternatives or impacts to include in the environmental report to the commissioner in accordance with part 4405.0600, subpart 5. Such request shall be filed in writing with the commissioner within ten days of the commissioner’s decision. A request to bring sthe matter to the commission shall not preclude the commissioner from beginning preparation of the environmental report in accordance with the commissioner’s decision.
So here we go… nothing in yet in the way of comments or replies.
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