Hampton-LaX(Alma) Prehearing Order is out!
Here it is, note that the action starts way out in 2011. Mark the important days on your calendar:
What’s most disturbing is that in this, there is no connection of the USDA’s Rural Utilities Service EIS with the state’s EIS. And there is no opportunity for comments after the Final EIS is issued…
And of course our Motion to Suspend Proceedings was denied. That’s in the order above, and below is our Motion:
Cannot believe that all this is actually going through. The fact of the matter that people are getting better with using less electricity, using alternative energy. Wind, solar, etc. Why the PUSH to get this through? Just who is going to gain by this? It seems to me that someone or some group must be getting more than a fair share of the profits from this. It is so frustrating!! Big Coal? Who are they paying off? NO CapX 2020 !!