
Brookings ALJ Recommendation is out — 2 Comments

  1. Actually, I don’t think the ALJ made any sort of recommendation. The report as I read it, basically said that there is no legal reason to exclude either route and that it is up to the Public Utilities Commission to do their due diligence and issue a permit.

    The language used in the “Recommendations” section was a little odd, but after reading it and the “Conclusions” sections a couple of times, I just don’t see that any strong recommendation was made.

  2. Yes.. I was thrown by the language saying that Gibbon and Arlington cross overs met the criteria, but indeed, what he did was ANOTHER non-decision, non-recommendation, which the PUC I think is also going to try to duck. They have a procedural problem in that the “Myrick” route added on Dec. 15 last year as the public hearings were closing was not reviewed in the EIS and they cannot choose a route that is not in the EIS. Oddly too, MOES refused to do a supplemental EIS, which they have the option of doing, I raised that, but didn’t push it because that’s so unfair to the Myrick people who got dumped on last minute, I didn’t want to help them screw them over.

    This whole thing is so obscene…

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