CapX Public Hearings continue…
This week, the public hearings continue. I’m out in Delaware, still, disappointed to miss this round, but I’ve got to plan to be able to be present for the evidentiary hearing, and that’s 2-3 weeks or more starting in July.
If you’re not an intervenor, this is the time to get your evidence into the record, things like the MISO queue showing all the coal generation in line for interconnection, the effects of EMF given all the many miles of property, residences and farms that this project will cross, “socioeconomic impacts” such as the increased costs attributable to pollution if these lines spur construction of new coal generation, the decline in property values, the impact on tourism.
Comments from the hearings are starting to show up in the docket, to see them, go to and then to “eDockets” and then “Search Documents” and search for 06-1115. You’ll see “Comments” at or near the top.
Now’s the time to get this stuff in. Show up and let them know, and if you can’t get there, send your comments BY AUGUST 4 @ 4:30 P.M. to:
Here’s the Public Hearing schedule:
Monday, June 23, 2008, 5:00 p.m. – Marshall High School Auditorium, 400 Tiger Drive, Marshall, MN
Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 10:00 a.m. – Marshall High School Auditorium, 400 Tiger Drive, Marshall, MN
While digging around, I learned that Xcel is planning a “CapX” transmission scheme for Colorado, too, the High Plains Transmission Express (HPX). Yup, it’s even got its own webpage (HERE). The feasibility study is done, they’ve been holding “stakeholder” meetings. Since they got this far, but have said they need legislative changes, $50 says they are getting that completed before the launch High Plains Express!
CapX Public Hearings continue… — No Comments
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