CapX 2020 update
I’ve heard a few comments questioning whether I’ve dropped off the face of the earth, but nooooo, just dealing with a hearing on another project…
So as for CapX Phase I, project by project(to review dockets, for MN projects GO HERE and search for docket number in parens below), here’s where we’re at with those projects where NoCapX has intervened:
Brookings-Hampton (08-1474): PUC order is out, and today would be deadline for a Motion for Reconsideration
The eagle study requested by USFWS is ongoing… informal reports are that there are very high numbers of eagles in the LeSueur to Belle Plaine area.
Fargo-St. Cloud (09-1056): Briefs went in a month ago, and ALJ’s Recommendation is due any time now.
Hampton-LaX (MN) (09-1448): DEIS is supposed to be released today… $50 says it’ll be late, again…
Hampton-LaX (WI) (05-ce-136): PSC staff tossed it back to applicants, said that their application wasn’t complete. They can refile at any time.
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