
Oronoco Township responds to Xcel’s slap down — 2 Comments

  1. I understand there is no logic in commenting on a site that you control but your post is truly classless. Are your clients as embarassed about your behavior as they should be?

    Mudwrestling girls and WTFs… proud…..

  2. I fail to see how NoCapx2020’s factual comments are classless. Certainly the uniformed residents whose properties would have been affected by Oronoco’s ridiculous 11th hour attempt to propose a new, and previously unconsidered route, past all deadlines to do so, was, at the very kindest, ill conceived and probably illegal. And, then to have the professional they hired admit to an illegal, privately held, meeting the night before testimony borders on insane. AND the Oronoco Township board, their OPAC Committee used their constituents’ money, a good deal of it, to shaft their own residents. Think that doesn’t smack of conflict of interest.

    Look, if you serve on a municipal board it behooves you to know what you are doing and why you are doing it. Opening your agenda packet,for the first time, while the meeting is conducted speaks to the preparedness of these board members. No wonder Pine Island snuck in their back door! Bet that smarts!

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