
PSC trying to boot NoCapX out of WI — 2 Comments

  1. This document is shameful. (I don’t think the word “recession” has a valid definition that applies here.) If the WPSC is actually interested in making a good decision, it should be BEGGING Overland to participate, not throwing out all sort sorts of insults and obstacles. Who else is doing the real work? Surely not CUB and Clean Wisconsin, whose intervention petitions don’t say anything, and who seem to regard the Wisconsin intervener compensation program as a sort of welfare program for themselves……

  2. Well, that’s what you get when you go against ‘the MAN’. Perhaps the ALJ’s spell-check suggested recession when recision was typed in as recission by the secretary processing the dictation.
    Regardless, Carol Overland’s ambitious and robust efforts at actually pursuing the true ugly facts about the utilities’ scheme to unnecessarily burden ratepayers and damage our environment with the CapX 2020 project makes NoCapX 2020 a prime target for those utilities and those in government dedicated to serve them.

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