Oronoco Township’s Ex Parte Contact Disclosed
Remember that Ex Parte Complaint I’d filed some time ago? And Oronoco’s Response? And our Stipulated Agreement about that?
Oronoco vigorously denied ex parte contact, as you can see (do check it out!). There was no known actual contact, we knew only that there was at least one solication for third party ex parte contact, because it was reported in the paper, the solicitation of 3rd party ex parte contact and the Commissioners emails were reported in the paper!
The matter was scheduled for a PUC meeting, and before that, Oronoco and Laymen for Christ reached an agreement:
Part of the Complaint we requested, and that the agreement included, was that ex parte contact was to be disclosed.
HERE THEY ARE, page after page after page of ex parte contact, emails written directly to the Commissioners:
I need to read all of this first, 104 pages of what at a glance looks like direct ex parte communications, to Commissioners, from advocates against the White Bridge Road route through Oronoco requesting that the line cross at the Zumbro Dam.
Oh my, this is even worse than I’d thought it might be. It’s not just regular folks, but it’s also at least one Planning Commission member, so I’ll have to identify each writer. And it makes me wonder if there were letters as well… seems so, Commissioner Boyd’s Chemistry Dept. address was used on two or more.
Note there is a string of Fargo-St. Cloud route correspondence, that doesn’t apply here.
There is also a back and forth between the PUC’s Deborah Motz and Javon Bea, they’re in different groups, so you have to look. And Motz doesn’t identify who all she’s writing to, from Bea’s letter, there are a number of them, perhaps all who wrote ex parte communications???
Here’s a chart with names and emails of those who contacted the individual commissioners directly, and which Commissioners reported that contact:
What do YOU think?!?!?!
I know we need more information, as in, “Is anything missing here?” before we decide what to do!
How incredibly sad! I think anyone in any official capavity, planning commission members, board members, and town supervisors, and PUC members, who committed ex-parte communication should receive the maximum permitted sanctions and penalties. Misleading and inaccurate interpretations are now becoming part of official record.
What recourse citizens of Oronoco Township have against their legally disobedient township supervisors, board members and planning commission is probably yet to be determined.
This most likely explains Oronoco Township’s sudden discontinued public posting of meeting agendas and minutes.