Schedule for Minnesota appeals
The Minnesota appeal of the Hampton-Rochester-La Crosse CapX 2020 transmission line is lumbering forward. Today we reached an agreement for briefing and also that no transcripts would be required because they are already a part of the record (and those who can afford transcripts have them).
Briefs are coming due, and because the PUC served the list of documents in the record on Friday, which triggers the 30 day time period for the first round of briefs, we’re getting a little extra time here, about two weeks:
November 28 – (or earlier) Relator’s Initial Briefs (St. Paul’s Lutheran School and Church and Cannon Falls Landowners for Segment 1, and Oronoco Township for Segment 3).
December 27 – (or earlier) Respondents’ Briefs (PUC and Xcel/Northern States Power) 30 days after last Relator’s Initial Brief served.
10 days after that – Relator’s Reply Brief
Here’s the Stipulation:
Onward… one foot in front of the other…
PSC-please reverse your decision.WE DON”T NEED IT ;WE DON”T WANT IT!