Responses to Motions for Reconsideration of ITC Midwest MN/IA Xmsn
The ITC Midwest MN/IA 345 kV line is the pink one above “3” in the map above.
In the Certificate of Need docket, both ITC Midwest and DoC-DER filed Responses, and in the Routing docket, ITC Midwest filed a response. The Commission will digest it for a while and then there will be a Notice of Commission Meeting at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
Certificate of Need docket (12-1053):
Routing Docket (13-1337):
Here are the Motions for Reconsideration that were filed:
No CapX 2020 Motion for Reconsideration – Certificate of Need
Responses to Motions for Reconsideration of ITC Midwest MN/IA Xmsn — No Comments
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