Dubuque says NO to MVP 5 Cardinal-Hickory?
NO? YES! It’s likely to happen, and the Cardinal-Hickory 1/2 of MVP 5 will be coming before the Dubuque City Council soon.
Remember ITC’s 1/2 of MVP 3 (shown above the “3” on map) that it applied for, and which was permitted, last year? Remember ATC and Xcel’s 1/2 of MVP 5 (“shown above the “5” on map) that it applied for, and which was permitted this year? Well now, another piece of that MVP plan, the other 1/2 of MVP 5, the dashed line below “5” above, is gearing up, and is being met with some significant opposition. And also well-funded promotion, with Center for Rural Affairs receiving at least $670,000 since 2010 to promote transmission, including these MVP projects (and they’re not the only one, check out RE-AMP funding!).
According to this article:
Here’s the Telegraph Herald’s view of the alternate routes proposed and what it would do to Dubuque:
A couple months ago, Alan and I went on a utility intrastructure tour which included the Cassville substation that they might try to use:
Dubuque has put a lot into its waterfront, and pass-through transmission is the last thing they need. Interesting too is the city’s ordinance requiring a 250 foot distance from residences — something every township, city, county and state in the U.S. should adopt.
And here’s an interesting factoid from that Dubuque Telegraph Herald article:
WOW! The lengths they’ll go to in promotion of transmission — what does that office cost in rent, staff, expenses? How much is Center for Rural Affairs getting to do this? Center for Rural Affairs has been getting a lot of transmission specific dough:
And more, so in three years, $520,000 to support transmission from Kresge Foundation:
And in 2014, McKnight Foundation takes over funding these transmission toadies, with another $150,000, so $670,000 over 4 years:
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