Well, look who’s intervened in the rate case!
Fresh Energy, Sierra Club (national? Northstar Chapter? ??), Wind on the Wires, NRDC, MCEA have joined together under MCEA to intervene in the Xcel Energy “transmission driven” rate case.
So… are all of them in agreement on positions? Some were e21 Initiative participants, some were not. WOW openly is a supporter of transmission, so what position might they take in this rate case?
And then there’s their role in Xcel Energy’s e21 Initiative and their role in this:
I wonder what standards they’ll be held to…
Fresh Energy makes no mention of whether they’re rate payers and claims it “works in the public interest…” Oh my…
Sierra Club gives no indication which branch, office, or what. Is it Sierra national? Is it the NorthStar office? The Madison office? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Wind on the Wires, the Waltons spin-off, doesn’t address whether they’re ratepayers — and they’re an industry special interest group, a trade organization, “focused on prioritizing the delivery of large amounts of all types of wind energy to markets in the Upper Midwest, and represents members who produce wind power and technology who have a direct interest in energy rates at issue in this case,” as RECIPIENTS!
NRDC — their interest in this is??? Not at all clear.
MCEA as Intervenor, as “attorney” and its interest is? Again, not at all clear.
And are these entities setting up for a conflict of interest, or are they all in lockstep? Some participated in e21 and some did not. Some participated in transmission and some did not.
And this statement… “Without Petitioners’ continued participation in both dockets (the rate case and the alternate rate design, 15-662) it is more likely that the two proceedings will reach inconsistent outcomes due to divergent goals.” Please explain what the heck that means, and please, let’s get specific about the “divergent goals.”
And here’s one admission that is important in this “transmission driven” rate case:
By the same token, Petitioners are interested in supporting renewable energy expansion from sources of all scales, including transmission infrastructure to support such projects. To the extent that NSP is proposing grid modernization projects both in this rate case and in a parallel Commission docket, Petitioners will be able to add unique perspective on these proposals and their usefulness in meeting efficiency and clean energy goals. Grid modernization and transmission funding under this rate have a direct bearing on the legal rights of Petitioners’ members, as well.
Yes, please explain.
Well, look who’s intervened in the rate case! — No Comments
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