September 26 — Mark Your Calendars!!
CapX 2020/Xcel Energy is holding a PR shindig, firing up the Hampton – La Crosse leg of its transmission build-out. Their scheme, their scam, is nothing to celebrate. But yes, there’s an event coming up… and it should be appropriately observed… where did I put that “No CapX 2020†banner?
September 26, 2016
Time? They’re not telling…
Hampton Substation
Highway 52 and 215th Street (N. of Hwy. 50)
This project has been 12 years of my life… first got wind of it in 2004 at a MAPP NM-SPG meeting, though really, it was apparent with the release of the WIREs-WRAO Report from 1998. That was 18 years ago. Transmission is not rocket science! As we say, “It’s all connected!â€Â Oh, but wait… for the purposes of the Minnesota Certificate of Need proceeding, we couldn’t connected all the dots, and the CapX folks insisted that it only went to La Crosse!!! Oh, please…
Anyway, the planed shindig was reported in the Rochester Post Bulletin:
Nice try, Tim. My identity is a more closely guarded secret than Colonel Sanders’ recipe. But if you’d like to send me a piece of cake, I can’t stop you.
Have messages in to both Tim Carlsbad and Grant Stevenson, but the timing is top secret, no invitation is forthcoming, so I guess I’ll just have to crash. Tom Hillstrom quit, went to Met Council, and is now back with Xcel as contractor, is he in on this? Better check with “Hilly” too!
Where’s the Hampton substation? As you approach from the south on Hwy. 52, north of Hwy. 50, there’s this ugly Corten steel “Gateway to the Metro” of transmission towers, with the Hampton on the west side, at 215th Street — can’t miss it:
September 26 — Mark Your Calendars!! — No Comments
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