CapX 2020 — It’s over, it’s done, all but the cost recovery
CapX 2020 at Highway 61 south of Wabasha
Monday, they had their CapX 2020 Love Fest at the Hampton substation, and I didn’t even get an engraved invitation. It’s a depressing point in time — 12 years on this project — and they got all they wanted, in some places not where they wanted it, but it’s up, and so many people affected. Having it routed somewhere, anywhere, is what they cared about, and supposedly it’s now “in-service,” though I wonder. Is it time to have a big bonfire of all the boxes of files?
This was about the Minnesota portions, but South Dakota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin is permitted as well, the superhighway from the coal fields of the Dakotas to Madison and beyond. Yeah, I could have camped out and crashed the party, but I had another commitment, so couldn’t spend the day hanging out waiting, watching. Maybe I should have…
Left-to-right: Mark Kotschevar, Rochester Public Utilities; Dave Geschwind, Southern MN Municipal Power Agency; Teresa Mogensen, Xcel Energy; Chris Kunkle, Wind on the Wires; Ben Porath, Dairyland Power Cooperative; Priti Patel, MISO; Tim Noeldner, WPPI Energy. From CapX Press Release
How much was “Wind on the Wires” (f/k/a Izaak Walton League) (and many other orgs?) paid for their promotion of transmission?
In the press:
STrib (is it really $2.1 billion? Any recent reports?):
Last Minnesota leg of $2.1 billion electricity mega-project done
From WKBT (video here):
CapX2020 transmission line completed
And Wisconsin Public Radio:
Collaborative Utility Project Connects Electric Transmission From South Dakota To Wisconsin
Rochester Post-Bulletin:
Drone patrols the power line
It’s up and running — get out those gauss meters and check it out.
CapX 2020 at Hwy. 61 looking towards the Mississippi
CapX 2020 — It’s over, it’s done, all but the cost recovery — No Comments
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