Cardinal-Hickory Creek slogs on
Cardinal-Hickory Creek is the $492-543 million southern part of MPV5, running SW-NE, the line from near Dubuque to Middleton, near Madison, connecting into the 345kV overlay. The Wisconsin EIS scoping period is happening now. Scoping is the determination of the “scope” of the EIS and your comments on what should be included can, indeed, influence the scope.
Public “open house” style sessions were held in Dodgeville on November 8, in Middleton November 12, and in Lancaster on November 14, 2018. Now, they way to get comments in is to send them to the PSC.
Meanwhile, the USDA’s RUS is working on an EIS, these two are separate… WHY? That RUS EIS is due to be released December 7 or 14, 2018, though that could change. For more info:
Has it occurred to USDA’s RUS that a massive transmission build-out hurts agriculture? Has it occurred to USDA’s RUS that massive transmission build-out provides incentive and subsidizes generation projects that hurt agriculture?
Here are the PSC’s comment comments:
Note this caveat, where the PSC limits information it will be confronted with:
A comment may consist of the writer’s personal knowledge or personal opinions only. A reference document, newspaper article, professional journal article, white paper, study or any other prepared material not written by the person commenting is not considered a public comment, but may be referenced in a person’s comment.
That policy has been, and remains, infuriating.
To send comments, in order of my biased preference:
- EIS Coordinator, Cindy Burtley:
- Go to PSC site,, then click “e-Services” at top, then on left click on “File a Comment” and scroll down to “Cardinal-Hickory Creek” (they’re in alpha order). Another way on PSC home page is to scroll down and click “Comment” on left side of home page. Either way takes to here, so just click here:
Get it done, write up your comments.
I’m particularly concerned about this high voltage build-out, because the grid is already overbuilt. This line, together with the others, increases reliance on central station power, and once built, provides a disincentive for distributed and dispersed power. It’s not needed, it’s wanted. Why? Because utilities make a lot more money through FERC approved return on capital investments for infrastructure than they do selling electricity. DOH! Who benefits, who pays? They benefit, we pay. Thanks, thanks a lot!
My comments from December 2016 to RUS:
Cardinal-Hickory Creek slogs on — No Comments
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