Inching towards appeal of CapX 2020 CoN Order
Somehow the time flew and next thing I knew, AAAAAGH, Requests, Petitions and Motions for Reconsideration were flying into the Inbox. After a frantic cut and paste, mine went out too… that’s one deadline not to miss!
Here’s the Order in question:
And here are all the Reconsideration pleadings, leading off with Applicants’ — even they’re not happy:
NoCapX & U-CAN Motion for Reconsideration
Ex A – Surprise drop in power use
Ex C – Otter Tail Corp SEC 10-K
Ex D – EIA Electric Power Monthly Chap 5
Ex E – 2008 NERC Reliability Assessment
Ex F – Press Release Sandok 4-3-09
Ex G – MTO Study Reports 3-31-09
As these were coming in, I was reminded of a comment made to my “Request for Recusal” a while ago where I’d wanted Commissioner Reha recused for activity regarding a docket at issue, and someone… Pugh? O’Brien?, Koppendrayer? said that this was a “Request” and “we don’ t have a Motion before us so we don’t have to take any action” so I’m calling everything a Motion now… I wonder if they’ll toss out the CapX 2020 Request for the same reason… SNORT! Not likely…
Inching towards appeal of CapX 2020 CoN Order — No Comments
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