New Prague hearing notes
Now promise you’ll not hold me to correct spelling, coherent thoughts, and zoning out during the hearing… the Susquehanna-Roseland brief was due Monday, so up way late and up again way early before dawn, and then after firing off the brief to New Jersey, I hammered down to New Prague and got there just before the 7 pm hearing started and it went until .. what… 5 after midnight??? Didn’t get home until pushing 2 am., thought I was gonna die, I’m just too old for this (next year I qualify for the “senior” discount, and I find that every time I go to the store here on a Wednesday, damned if they don’t ask… AAAAAGH!). And I completely missed the PPSA hearing Tuesday, no way could I get up in time, didn’t get there until a little after 11, it was all done, everyone gone, almost… Oh, and I heard that the attorney representing City of Red Wing on the Prairie Island uprate and dry cask did a great job, Tom Hanlon, he told it like it is. I’d guess that it was a pretty radicalizing experience for him, seeing how the system works and doesn’t. So anyway, sorry I don’t have anything to report on the Power Plant Siting Act annual hearing.
Here are the really sketchy notes from the New Prague hearing:
The rest of the Brookings CapX 2020 schedule is coming up next…
Thanks for all you do Carol!