USFWS Letter has arrived
Here it is — United States Fish & Wildlife Service acknowledging that either way, The CapX 2020 Brookings-Hampton transmission line crossing the Minnesota River at either LeSueur or Belle Plaine, either way eagles will be killed, there will be an “eagle take.”
Notice how they send it to Great River Energy, and they had a meeting on October 14, 2010, and parties to this project are NOT included???  Hmmmmmm… so what did they agree to on October 14?
What we do know: An aerial crossing is NOT feasible. Don’t let the judge forget about all those underground estimates, particularly the ones from Power Engineering which were NOT that expensive, nothing like the Black & Veatch ones!
Many have been submitted already. Here’s a very important one, if you haven’t read it yet, take a few minutes:
Affidavit of Bruce McKay, P.E. – Magnetic Field Calculations
Send your comments to:
or by mail directly to Judge Luis at:
Judge Richard Luis
Brookings Docket – 08-1474
Office of Administrative Hearings
P.O. Box 64620
St. Paul, MNÂ 55164-0620
Dear Judge,
I beg for you to review and decline the power lines to cross in any area (overhead). We have worked so hard as Americans to have our homes and safe places for our family and children. To have these lines run RIGHT next to our homes creating very serious health concerns and to lose value (more then what has happened to due the government) in our homes is very wrong!!! These large profitable companies can afford to go underground or find alternative ways without destroying us little Americans. This is all about profits and money and I wonder why is it always at the expense of the small families?
Margo Lackore