More transmission for Elko New Market area
Does it ever end? Not when they’ve got legislative fiat to run over Minnesota and landowners in their path. Here’s the next round, an “Elko New Market Cleary Lake” 115kV transmission project.  Seems like two separate projects, but??? Do look at the Notice Plan, there are clearer maps in the Notice Plan linked below.
Just filed in PUC Docket 12-1235:
A “Notice Plan” is the required plan by which the applicant will let local governments and landowners know that this project is happening, and it’s important because there may be ways, in this electronic age, or ways known only to those on the ground, of getting word out.
Please review the notice plan, see if newspapers and radio stations and websites you’re familiar with are included, or if you have any other ideas to get word out, and send those comments in, clearly labeled as “Comments on Notice Plan, Docket 12-1235” to:
Snail Mail:
Burl Haar, Executive Secretary Public Utilities Commission 121 – 7th Place East, Suite 350 St. Paul, MN 55101
Be sure to tell all your friends and neighbors that this is coming. It’s important to get involved now because this is “need,” which is whether it’s needed, and after this is determined, IF it’s needed, then the routing docket determines WHERE it will go, NOT IF!
We do not need these lines. We do not want these lines. Yet you can put them any where you want. Please Please listen to the people