Exceptions to ALJ Recommendation — ITC Midwest’s 1/2 of MVP 3
See that pink highlighted transmission line? That’s the ITC Midwest part of MISO MVP 3, and Exceptions to the ALJ’s Recommendation are due at 4:30 p.m. today. Look, made it under the wire by 30 minutes!!!
Here’s the ALJ’s Recommendation, for your reading displeasure:
And here are the DNR Comments and Exceptions filed after I’d posted the others:
And here are the rest posted earlier:
A major issue with that Recommendation is that it’s a cut and paste of ITC Midwest’s dream, it’s wish list, and what a wish list it was. ITC Midwest got exactly what it wanted, so is it any surprise they’d file this letter today — oh, please…
Exceptions to ALJ Recommendation — ITC Midwest’s 1/2 of MVP 3 — No Comments
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