Southern part of MVP 5 through Dubuque, to Madison
Yup, the southern part of MVP 5 through Iowa and Wisconsin is in the news today:
Dubuque, Cassville or Guttenberg? Transmisison line routes considered.
A while back, the City of Dubuque stood up for its residents and viewshed and all its economic development along the riverfront and said NO to MVP 5 through their riverfront!
From No CapX 2020:
ATC has been gearing up in Wisconsin:
… and from the Dubuque Telegraph Herald, City staff weighed in against MVP 5:
And then, yes, indeed, in June they DID vote NO, unanimously, 7-0. Here’s the full story, short and very clear:
Council members back city staff in opposition to transmission line
In today’s Telegraph Herald, it’s up for discussion again:
Dubuque, Cassville or Guttenberg? Transmisison line routes considered.
Here’s something of note — if they’re shutting down these coal plants, that frees up a lot of room on the grid — so why add more transmission?
There’s a bizarre proposal afoot, to utilize existing structures build for a much smaller line:
WHAT?!?! In every other proceeding where people have asked why they don’t do such a thing, because sometimes it seems to make sense, we’ve been told it can’t be done, the older and smaller structures can’t handle the load. And now it would work? $50 says no…
And a choice snippet:
What? Our “good friends” at Center for Rural Affairs are weighing in, as if they’re important, and it’s not disclosed that they’re transmission toadies:
And it should be disclosed, all the money that they’ve been paid via RE-AMP and otherwise should be disclosed!
Center for Rural Affairs toadies for transmission
A while back, Alan and I went on an infrastructure tour, and here’s a photo of the Cassville plant on the eastern short of the Mississippi, one of the ones slated to close:
And below are the economic development investments that the City of Dubuque is trying to protect. From
It’s one of those times I wish my engineer, Art Hughes, E.E. Ph.D., was still around — he died not far from Dubuque, in Peosta, and just one week after he was photographed making comments before the Iowa Utilities Board on an ITC transmission line proposed in the area — a transmission line that provides the link between MISO MVP 4 and MVP 5 in Iowa:
Hearing generates electricity
Dubuque County landowners express concern about ITC transmission line
Look at this map. The line that Art’s objecting to here is the solid line connector of 345 kV, the piece between the heavier dashed lines of MISO MVP 4 at Hazelton in Buchanan County and the Salem substation in Dubuque County where MIS MVP 5 picks up. And I know what he’d think about this MISO MVP Portfolio of 17 projects and this MVP 5… oh well…
Southern part of MVP 5 through Dubuque, to Madison — No Comments
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